Το Γαλαξείδι στον Χρόνο

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Bronze objects

Bronze objects Some bronze objects, especially vessels, have come to light from the area of Agios Vlassis and from excavations of tombs. However, numerous artefacts originating from Galaxidi are exhibited in museums in Europe and America, smuggled during the second half of the 19th c. They are evidence that Chaleion [...] Περισσότερα

Public life

Public life In the area of Agios Vlassis, two bronze plates with inscriptions were found in 1848, which ended up in the British Μuseum. They are dated in the first half of the 5th c. B.C. and are extremely important not only for the region but for the whole of [...] Περισσότερα

The ancient city in Galaxidi

The ancient city in Galaxidi The perimetric wall of ancient Chaleion Around 300 B.C. Galaxidi moves for the first time to today’s position. On the initiative probably of the Aitolean Confederacy, which in that period occupied Western Lokris, the fortification wall of Chaleion was built on the rocky peninsula between [...] Περισσότερα

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